April 11, 2012
Now a days most products at the supermarket contain some sort of sugar based ingredients. These are highly addictive, often setting neurochemical triggers in your brain to release dopamine and other neurotransmitters. Not only addictive, but sugar and high fructose corn syrup is also toxic. They lead to chylomicron development in the blood stream and atherlsclerotic plaques that lead to vascular disease and decreased blood flow to the heart, organs, and eyes. A recently published study in the journal Nature that proved sugar and high fructose corn syrup are just as harmful to our health as alcohol and tobacco. The research ruled that due to their toxicity sugar and derived compounds should be regulated under the same scrutiny as tobacco is for instance. Dr. Robert Lustig, one of the authors of the study, explained that sugar consumption is linked to the development of several diseases that aren’t that easy to manage, such as obesity, type II diabetes, hypertension and even heart disease. I encourage all of my patients to limit sugar intake to that of natural occurring foods such as fruit and try to stay away from processed foods, sugar additives, sweetened juices and soda.